Nobody loves the last one :(

Yes, nobody loves the last one :( -Zaty.

Recorded: Tuesday, 1st June, 02:14 am.
Costumes: Purple shawl, TIGS shirt and white sweater.
Status: It might be the last one.

Nobody loves the last one but I'm sorry, this is the last video I recorded. No more video after this. I don't have so much strength and determination to continue these. And please, enjoy even for the last time :( Err, sorry, dah pukul 2 pagi masa ni, so sound terpaksa diperlahankan.

00:01 In case korang tak dengar, I said, 'Rindu kan?'
00:07 'Once you killed a cow, you gotta make a burger.' -Gaga :)
00:40 Ya Tuhan, jadinya macam tu eh? Practice lain, record lain -_-' Kita namakan tarian ni, 'Tarian Jogging' =="
00:52 Erhh, gediknya Zaty! ==
00:58 HAHA lepas marah kat orang tu =P
01:14 Dah macam paruh burung bhaha.
01:40, 01:47, 03:22, 03:30, 03:38 and 03:46 You'll see the sign in this video for many times, very ANNOYING, right?
01:50-02:05 I'm sorry I'm not that kinda aggressive as Beyonce.
02:11 Comel tak tetibe bertukar mood? Cakap COMEL cepat!
02:21 Dah start agresif dah, sukaaa!
02:37-02:44 First part tiru Gaga.
02:45-02:48 Second part :)

Kalau tak bagitahu ni last video pun mesti korang dah tahu, kan? I'm sorry, okay. Lepas ni I promote video orang jek lah or I buat video biasa-biasa yang takde melibatkan I. Dan sebenarnya sedih, okayy bila takde yang comment pasal I nyanyi sendiri lagu Kantoi on previous video. Tahu lah suara I tak sedap :( Dan ya, hari ni 14 Jun tsk tsk :(

p/s:I'm serious this is the last one. The last one yang I MIMING or NYANYI sendiri.
