Aku dapat cuti. Kau ada?

Takde. Takde tak boleh blah-nya. Serius, kau ada dapat cuti? *berlagak*

I'm home, baby! From yesterday till Tuesday! Lama gilaaaaaaaaaa! K, sepatutnya lagi lama. Dari Selasa sampai Selasa. But, we, 516, spent a night at maktab and half day at Zoo Negara. Khidmat Masyarakat k. Jadi volunteer jap.

So far, I enjoyed yesterday. Sumpah 4 bulan penat lelah organize benda ni terbayar bila boys congratulated and thanked me masa melangkah keluar dari Zoo tu. Mcm terkejut plus terharu gak la bila tgh jalan nak keluar gate tu, tetibe budak lelaki bertepuk tangan menjerit " Tiz, congrats! ", " Tiz, thanks organize zoo ni. ", " Weh good job! ". Ha, sape tak terharu?

Alhamdulillah, takde dengar org complain irrelevant things semalam. Complain pun benda-benday yg patut. Mmg sume org bg full cooperation. Bak kata Adreena, mmg unexpectedly it went so well. Dan bak kata Zuhaily, hope for the best, expect for the worst. I expected sume nak melenting tak tentu pasal, sume tanak cooperate but alhamdulillah, kerjasama mantaaaaaaaaaaaaap!

Our bus tu offer rate paling unbelievable la. Sume syarikat bas yg lain offer 800. Yg satu tu je offer 680 perjalanan dari Jasin ke Zoo Negara. Bas dah lah best. Mmg lawa, ada air-cond, ada mic, TV flat screen dan yang paling penting, pakcik bas cool gilaaaa! Serius benci pakcik bas garang. Tapi yg ni watkool je boleh gelak ketawa sama.

Makanan? We bought roti 70 sen and mineral water with RM3 we forced everyone to pay. Tu masa break. Masa lunch, tempah Nasi Ayam dgn mak Faizal. Tahu tak, mak dia tak nak terima duit kitorg? Weh dah lah nasi sedap, ayam besar, aksesori dia byk gila siap salad, timun, kicap, kuah, sambal, air mineral dan buah tetibe nak bagi free? Dah lah kitorg order bukan 5,6 tapi 29. Oh btw, semalam birthday Faizal. Sbb tu kot. But we insisted, so insya-Allah duit settle naik cuti nnt.

K, saya akan share pictures and our journey. Sabar, k? Need to basuh baju kotor kumpul dah sebulan, homework yg cikgu bagi mcm sebulan cuti and byk lagi.

Greetings fom Zaty and the hedgehogs.

p/s: Oh, cuti ni sbb TGB jadi tuan rumah KEJORA.

pp/s: My classmates especially boys call me Tiz sbb our Physics teacher, Cikgu Suhaily said that I look like Tiz. He even recognized me anywhere in Maktab because of the name he gave. Jadi, hai, saya Tiz *flips rambut dalam tudung oh-susahnya* -.-


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. adreena : wait. post lps ni i bg acknowledgement to everyone, k?

    uncle jonni : jgn jeles :P

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  4. woi everyone deserves acknowledgement la, adreena. tanpa dikau, siapalah kita semua eceh. thanks a lot! :)

  5. Dah lah tau lah , semua pasal pakcik bas . Dah lah aku clash ah dengan dia . Benciiiiii !

  6. clash? bila couple pun chek tatau :P


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