Mana zatyzatyzaty?

dah dua rabu dah aku tak post pape. sebab yang pertama, aku busy. betul ni, tak tipu. busy dengan mcm2 benda. dgn study sbb ada berapa tah test dgn assignment. dgn hal peribadi yg quite, well, needs more of my attention tapi alhamdulillah dah selesai. kedua, haila tahi tau sikap procrastination ni. tapi bak kata hmm somebody on internet, when you want to write, you cannot just think to write; you have to write. aku suka tengok camne nisa kay and anis nad ikut that blogging challenge yang mendisiplinkan mereka untuk blog everyday. i will do it too. starting october k? :)

for now, meh iolss update apa yang dah jadi sepanjang dua minggu lebih ni (not arranged chronologically):
1. the first week penuh dgn test ctes, econs, accounts. betul kot ni. tah la lepas test lupa semua benda. alhamdulillah test econs yang digeruni, markah not bad. tapi lagi dua tu mcm lingkup haih. belum dpt result lagi, masih bertawakal.
2. tak balik k, tak balik for cuti hari merdeka yang panjang itu. beta mengunjungi pc fair di mid valley dan kenduri kahwin abang ford. haah last year dah pergi tahun ni pergi lagi. i might write a special entry for this one. prolly. tunggu je le.
4. kau tgh check mana no 3. okay tak lawak.
3. i confessed. to my crush. to my four year crush. and i wasn't rejected! but also not accepted ke hape. tah la. yang penting kena move on. kena carry on dengan life sekarang. and nope. i won't share anything. thank you. what you can do besides wondering about my love life that is, of course, none of your business, is you can pray for our jodoh. kalau ada, ada la tu. kalau takde, i'll go meroyan la on this blog kikiki.
5. i sold my guitar! and i bought an ukulele. step 1 of moving on: make yourself busy with anything else. so this it. i'm learning how to master ukulele. lepas dah okay baru beli gitar baru kat aussie.
6. dah buat ic baru. mata masha-allah, mcm baru lepas bertumbuk 0.0
7. i challenged myself in time management and commitment by joining ausia bulletin team for inpro. inpro is intec's annual games. and ausia is australian university students of intec association. and for the bulletin, iolss jadi photographer ihikk.
8. dikejarkan ke hospital, lagi. sebab hyperventilation dan dehydration. maybe sbb masa tu puasa. first time puasa since i cut my coffee and sugar intake. eh jap. tak. ni bukan first time. hmm, dah tu kenapa pengsan eh? k tak tahu kenapa. tapi sekarang rambut gugur dengan banyaknya dan badan susut. baju yg dulu ketat sekarang masha-allah longgarnya. makan ke tak makan, cemtu je badan. steady je 41 kg. if you are a certified medical authority and you think you know what's wrong with my body, tell me!

so that's it. i'll update more after this, insya-allah :)

nah selfie terbaru mih mih mih.
