I don't know what this is all about, I just wanna let it out OMG the title cannot panjang lagi ke so I don't have to write an entry okay I stop.

I don't know why I'm writing this padahal homework menimbun, modul Geo ada 8 lagi *baca gaya Abang Jam aka Salleh Yacob WTH am I dreaming? Wake up, Zaty!

I don't like school anymore since cuti sakit. Banyak gilosss lessons yang tak dapat catch up, tambah dengan chapters baru lagi oh this is crazy! I don't think I can take this anymore. I wanna give up, for real this time. Okay suddenly rasa macam nak delete entry ni tapi malas tekan backspace so let's move on je lah.

Yes, I'm totally freaked out. Trial result memang macam haram. Jauh gila meleset dari target sebenar. Rasa macam nak terjun bangunan je mengharapkan ada prince tunggu bawah tolong sambut tapi ni bulan Ramadhan, kang mati sia-sia je lah pulak. Eh week ni memang macam disaster gila lah!

It's not, actually. Perasaan je lebih :P Tapi perit rasa hati ceh ceh, bila mamat yang dulu setia menunggu confessed dah anggap I as friend jek. Kalau tahu malas nak tanya ah. Mood mencarut kena tahan jap bulan puasa ni. Eh pathetic gila aku asyik guna word pathetic jek untuk describe diri sendiri positive lah sikit!

Trial result; BM-87, BI-82, Maths-76, Science-71, Sej-77, Geo-78, AG Coco -82, KH-82. Saaaaangattt macam haram kan? Erhh boleh dapat 7A Insya-Allah kalau Maths, Sej and Geo tak sia-siakan markah ciput. Science tu memang ke longkang punya lah takyah habaq mai. Amacam PMR? Dah ready nak jumpa gua, your long-lost girlfriend?

Okay, let's end this before... you guess, people. Oh yea, nope, I'm not crying bila dapat tahu result teruk. Sebab I dah terjanji to myself that I won't cry anymore pasal apa-apa pun sampai at least I reach 30 kalau umur panjang so stupidos of me. Dah dah, bye!


  1. Zaty! Its been a loooooooong time kan akak tak comment kat sini hehehe ;)

    CONGRATS on your results! tell ya what, results tu, you work a lil bit more harder je i could guarantee you Straight A's! Plus semua yang Bs tu pun bukan under 70 punnn, come on.

    Don't give up. Still ada masa lagi eventhough takbanyak. Hihihi jangan jadi macam akak, a lesson learned, result trial yang teruk lagi teruk dari zaty punya buat akak rasa give up terus and yes i did gave up. last last terhumban bila the real pmr results keluar.

    So adik, just be cool. Kalau dah stuck takboleh nak buat apa apa, amek wuduk, pegi solat. insyaallah tenang.

    I know you can do it. Gambate Zaty!!


  2. yup it's a very looooong time. busy bebenor dgn exam. nnt kalau akak dah masuk u, haruslah lagi busy kan.

    haha congrats? actually kite target something 5 or 6As tapi ya tuhan, macam bengap sungguh jek dapat 4. nak nak yang 77, 78 tu alahai!

    what's with your result? hey, your english is way better than mine and i'm sure your result is better than mine, right? you got spm and so do i. let's not give up teehee.

    correction, we can do it! gambate to you too!

  3. tersangat lah okay result zaty tue okay , huhuhuhu , tayah risau la zaty skema pmr , totaly laen dgan skema kat skola :D

  4. ye ke? haha sepatutnya ni nak frust ke masih boleh berjimba? XD


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