Long Distance.

Watched that? Cried already? Not yet? Watch again lah, you!

Yes, I admit that when I clicked the link to see the video, I intended to watch something that is so cheesy. How a girl and a boy managed to survive a LDR. Ditambah lagi dengan those first scenes where the guy mcm kemaruk gila skype dgn perempuan tu. Cett, cerita biasa je ni.

But, I was wrong. The " long distance " they're emphasizing isn't the one I'm thinking of. Bukan jarak berbatu jauhnya, tapi jarak 2 hati yg mmg akan jauh. Till forever. They won't be reunited. For sure. Dah perempuan tu mati kan. Well, I didn't expect the other party will be gone forever in this LDR.

Okay, let's get back to the point. I'm not posting this to tell you bout love story ke apa. What I'm trying to tell ya now is hablumminallah. Kenapa hablumminallah? Sebab hablumminallah tu kadang-kadang lagi susah nak jaga compared to hablumminannas. Padahal Allah tu Tuhan kita. The one that should be closer to us.

Why do I choose this video? Sbb nak attract korg utk baca this so-gonna-be long entry ni sampai habis? Tak. Tapi silakan. Sbb nak relate la. Sebut pasal LDR, one must think of sorg kat tempat ni, sorg lagi kat tempat tu. Duduk jauh-jauh. Contact jarang-jarang.

Long distance. Cane jarak kita dgn Allah? Jauh? Dekat? Kita fikir balik. Wisely.
The operation, 50-50 chance. Hidayah tu, Allah dah bagi dah kat sume. Terpulang kat kite je sama ada nak amek ke tak. Let's say, ada sebatang pokok rambutan in your housing area. Pokok tu pokok wakaf dan kau tahu. One day, pokok tu berbuah. Banyak sgt. Tapi kau ragu-ragu nak amek. And at the end, kau lepaskan peluang utk menikmati buah rambutan yg masak ranum tu. Dah lah takyah kait, dia dah jatuh kat tanah pun kau tanak amek.
The way the guy values all the videos, watches them whenever he feels lonely. Fikir balik ibadah kita. Byk tak payah cakap. Sendiri tahu. The question is, kita jumpa, menghadap Allah tu bila rasa sunyi, rasa bosan, rasa susah je ke? Bila rasa senang, masih ke kita ingat Allah? Masih berzikir menyebut kalimah suci? Refer Surah Yunus, 10:12.
All those videos that keeps the guy a company. He feels joy whenever he watches them. Allah dah bagi kita hiburan yang paling menenangkan dalam dunia. Al-Quran. Kita buka tiap-tiap hari? Kita baca tak?

